Our Impact

“This was an upgrade in my way of living and my way of thought; and through this I changed in ways I could never have imagined.”

– Talent Juru

Peaceplayers South Africa Participant

Inspiring Youth to find new solutions

Solutions Icon
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of participants in Baltimore said the program helps them find better ways to fix their problems

Increasing Accessibility for Girls to Sport

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85% of participants in Brooklyn are female

Empowering young leaders

Cross Community Friendships
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of Leadership Development Program Participants in South Africa are confident in their leadership skills with family, friends and peers

Developing Advocates

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of Leadership Development Program participants in cyprus stated that they can stand up for what they think is right even if others disagree

Bridging long-standing divides

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In Northern Ireland, 84% of participants stated that they would never have met youth from other religious backgrounds without participation in PeacePlayers programming

Building cross community friendships

Cross Community Friendships
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of long-time participants in the Middle East cite making a friend from the “other” group, compared to 20% of new participants

Tamar Greenbaum

I started standing up for people, not just Arabs, but everyone, be it because he is Arab, because of his skin color, or anything. I can't stay quiet anymore. And it's only because of PeacePlayers.
-Tamar Greenbaum
PeacePlayers Middle East Participant

A Recent Groundbreaking Study in the Middle East

We are thrilled to announce the results of a groundbreaking, 8-year study which finds that PeacePlayers’ Middle East program is transforming Arab and Jewish young people into agents for peace.


The study, which involved 800 Arab and Jewish participants ages 8 to 16 years from more than 20 communities throughout Israel, found what we have long recognized: PeacePlayers’ young leaders become active ambassadors for peace in their communities. As a result of sustained participation, they acquire the positive attitudes, personal resources and strong motivation needed to influence their peers.

1100 15th St. 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20005

+1 202-221-5356

© 2024 PeacePlayers PRIVACY POLICY

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PEACEPLAYERS IS A 501(c)3 EIN #52-2272092

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