Join the movement

“You can do the smallest positive things and influence and inspire somebody to do the same thing.”

– Mackenzie | PeacePlayers Detroit

Join the movement, Host A FUNDRAISER for peaceplayers

Join Reed Lipman in hosting a Mitzvah project for PeacePlayers!

Leo Walsh

Join Leo Walsh, who biked across the United States to raise funds and awareness for PeacePlayers, in doing your own creative project for peace!

Birthday Fundraiser

Join several others in hosting a birthday fundraiser for PeacePlayers on your special day!

Other ways to join the movement

1100 15th St. 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20005

+1 202-221-5356

© 2024 PeacePlayers PRIVACY POLICY

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PEACEPLAYERS IS A 501(c)3 EIN #52-2272092

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