Our impact is global

Deep – Participants experience deep personal growth

Wide – Many go on start their own programs, creating a ripple effect in their communities 

Catalytic – Change is endemic and groundbreaking


Interpersonal Change

Community and systemic Change

Community Change


Global Change

Interpersonal Impact scorecard

See People as People

People learn to see "others" as people

We measure:

% improved intergroup attitudes/social distance

Cross Community Friendships

Development of cross-community friendships

We measure:

% that made a best friend from the “other” community


Acquisition of leadership skills

We measure:

% acquire psych resources skills: self-esteem, problem solving, resilience + site specific skills

Conflict Mitigation Skills

Acquisition of conflict mitigation skills

We measure:

% acquire psych resources skills: self-esteem, problem solving, resilience + site specific skills (surveys)% of participants that acquire conflict resolution skills

Role Models

Access to role models/

We measure:

% of youth who found a mentor through the program

Community and Systemic Impact scorecard

Peacebuilding Behaviors

Participants engage in peacebuilding, advocacy, and conflict mitigating behaviors

We measure:

% Peace advocates - engaging in conflict mitigating behaviors

Systemic Change

Systemic change toward equity/equality takes place in communities

We measure:

No. of community partners

Education and Leadership

Increased educational and leadership opportunities for youth

We measure:

No. of educational opportunities, scholarship, coaching subsidies, etc.

Community Institutions

Alum assume positions at community institutions

We measure:

No. of alumni working with PP, partners or institutions

Global Impact scorecard

Igniting a Global Movement

Igniting a movement

We measure:

No. of institutional + government partnerships globally


No. of Peace Advocates: youth, alumni and leadership connected across the world; ambassadors


No. of SPIN partners and beneficiaries

1100 15th St. 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20005

+1 202-221-5356

© 2024 PeacePlayers PRIVACY POLICY

Our Partners:

PEACEPLAYERS IS A 501(c)3 EIN #52-2272092

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