Declan's Blog: From Players to Coaches at the Global Exchange

September 30, 2024



This past summer, 30 young people from PeacePlayers Northern Ireland, PeacePlayers United States and PeacePlayers South Africa came together in Durban for 10 days of basketball, leadership development, community volunteering and cultural learning. Declan was one of those 30 young people, and he’s bringing his first hand perspective about what it was like to be part of the Exchange. 


On the 5th day of the Global Exchange, we decided to have an exhilarating and energizing day for participants and coaches alike. With an early start at 8am, we got our breakfast and swiftly departed for our destination: a basketball court! Everyone was filled with joy and energy to play basketball for the second time on the exchange. Shoes finally came out of suitcases and sports gear was slapped onto everyone instantaneously. Once the bus arrived at our destination, everyone ran from their seats to the court and changed into their court shoes, ready to play and learn each other’s skill sets! After pick-up matches were played and players were humbled, the drills and coaching training began! Everyone switched to coaching mode and began practicing with their peers for the next day’s task of coaching younger kids [at Sakuma Primary in Umlazi] in the game of basketball. Fun filled the air as people shouted, screamed and shot their hearts out.

Once everything was finished, we played one final match. Yellow VS purple. The intensity was like no other and we all played to the best of our abilities. In the end, my team (purple) ended up winning due to our dominant defense and unwillingness to give up in the face of adversity! Afterwards we left to get our dinner at the Gateway Mall and stomachs were stuffed to their greatest extents. Alas, the day was over, but we all enjoyed our bit of free time before lights out. The perfect way to end a day of basketball.

An early start sets the tone for the 5th day at the PeacePlayers Global Exchange in South Africa. As participants and coaches alike got breakfast and loaded onto the bus, the plans started getting unveiled. To kick-start, the gang headed to the Gateway Mall for a morning of shopping.

Afterwards we all gathered and headed to the hotel to swiftly get changed into our matching navy shirts and make our way to Sakuma Primary school for our first session of coaching. As we arrived, we were serenaded with an outstanding opening ceremony from kids at the school, including traditional clothing and dances.


All of us started smiling and jumping with joy as we entered the building, prepared to coach everyone within the school. Drums rang out and singing soared straight to our ears as we huddled the kids into a circle, beginning our coaching session. Once all drills were done, matches were played and friends were made; the Exchange team had to depart. We all made our way to the bus and high fived and hugged every kid along the way as a final goodbye. And so we left, but not empty handed.

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