PeacePlayers partners with Stevens Initiative to forge global connections and build capacity - virtually

Announcing “Enhancing Global Connections,” funded by the Stevens Initiative, which is housed at the Aspen Institute and supported by the Bezos Family Foundation.

April 23, 2024



In 2020, when the global pandemic hit, virtual programming became a lifeline for us at PeacePlayers. Unable to meet for regular in-person programming, we adapted athletic and leadership programming to the virtual space and created a vital opportunity for youth to connect when so many were grappling with isolation and mental health challenges. We realized that we were onto something, and included virtual programming as part of the lead-up to the inaugural Friendship Games in 2022. But as a global movement of youth and coaches, we needed more than occasional virtual meetups to fully take advantage of the potential of our global connections.



Enter the Stevens Initiative, a program of the Aspen Institute dedicated to advocating for and investing in virtual exchange opportunities for young people worldwide. Thanks to an investment by the Stevens Initiative supported by the Bezos Family Foundation, we are now able to launch Enhancing Global Connections, a new program that will allow us to intentionally embed virtual connections and learning into our regular, year-round programming. PeacePlayers’ Enhancing Global Connections will provide over 1,000 young people around the world with high-quality virtual training in conflict resolution, community engagement, leadership, wellness and activism. The ultimate goal is that this unique experience of learning together will empower them to make meaningful changes in their communities and beyond.



Enhancing Global Connections is a holistic program that combines youth development programming with capacity building for PeacePlayers coaches and practitioners from other organizations. Partnership with the global sport for development sector is a key element of the program, creating lasting relationships among partners through meaningful intercultural experiences and the sharing of knowledge. What this translates to is a vast web of youth, and sport for development practitioners all dedicated to using sports to solve global challenges and equipped with the knowledge and the motivation to succeed in doing so.



We sincerely appreciate the investment of the Stevens Initiative in our work. We’re thrilled to launch Enhancing Global Connections and work in collaboration on this exciting project.



Read more about our partnership HERE.


1100 15th St. 4th floor,
Washington, DC 20005

+1 202-221-5356

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