Sally Nnamani and David Cassel Assume Joint Directorship as Adam Johnson Transitions from PeacePlayers United States

DONATE DONATE Sally Nnamani and David Cassel assume joint directorship as Adam Johnson transitions from PeacePlayers United States February 1, 2023 SHARE Facebook Twitter LinkedIn PeacePlayers United States would like to extend gratitude to outgoing Executive Director Adam Johnson, following a year of devoted learning and hard work to grow and strengthen PeacePlayers United States.… Continue reading Sally Nnamani and David Cassel Assume Joint Directorship as Adam Johnson Transitions from PeacePlayers United States

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at PeacePlayers

DONATE DONATE Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at PeacePlayers October 12, 2022 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Welcome to “Latinx at PeacePlayers” where we celebrate the end of this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month and spotlight the PeacePlayers ‘familia’ who incite change in our communities daily. On our team,… Continue reading Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at PeacePlayers

PeacePlayers is Pleased to Announce Partnership with the NBA Foundation

DONATE DONATE PeacePlayers us’ new partnership with the nba foundation April 19, 2022 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn PeacePlayers United States is proud to announce it is the recipient of a highly competitive grant from the  NBA Foundation.  This new collaborative partnership will help expand and introduce… Continue reading PeacePlayers is Pleased to Announce Partnership with the NBA Foundation

I Rolled My Eyes

DONATE DONATE “I Rolled My Eyes” A Memoir by Coach Onyeka March 14, 2022 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn I rolled my eyes as the anchors droned on dispassionately about how they were doing such terrible things. They were stabbing innocent people and causing unrest. Their violent… Continue reading I Rolled My Eyes

PeacePlayers LA is Awarded LA84 Foundation Grant

DONATE DONATE *Title* *Subtitle* *DATE* SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn *Paragraph Text* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo… Continue reading PeacePlayers LA is Awarded LA84 Foundation Grant

Meet Casey; Long-time Participant of PeacePlayers United States

DONATE DONATE Meet Casey Long-time participant of PeacePlayers United States September 10, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Like many youth who are a part of PeacePlayers U.S. which launched just a few years ago, Casey is still at the beginning of her PeacePlayers journey. When Casey… Continue reading Meet Casey; Long-time Participant of PeacePlayers United States

Detroit Pistons: Power Humanity Community Conversation

DONATE DONATE Detroit Pistons: Power Humanity Community ConversatioN September 10, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn When the Detroit Pistons and PeacePlayers United States began designing a series of community conversations last year, the idea was simple: gather dozens of parents, youth, and community leaders into one… Continue reading Detroit Pistons: Power Humanity Community Conversation

Meet Javonn; Long-time Participant of PeacePlayers United States

DONATE DONATE Meet JavonN Long-time participant of PeacePlayers United States September 8, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Javonn, a member of PeacePlayers’ Leadership Development Program in Brooklyn, says that in the three years since he first joined, he has changed both on a personal level and… Continue reading Meet Javonn; Long-time Participant of PeacePlayers United States

The Evolution of PeacePlayers United States: How Early Challenges are Leading to Deeper Impact

DONATE DONATE The Evolution of PeacePlayers United States: How Early Challenges are Leading to Deeper Impact August 30, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn The Divide, and the Original Vision As a movement started by two American brothers from Washington, D.C., it only made sense for PeacePlayers… Continue reading The Evolution of PeacePlayers United States: How Early Challenges are Leading to Deeper Impact

Baltimore Participant Displays the Skills That Once Made her a 2x Poetry Champion During the Friendship Games

DONATE DONATE Baltimore Participant Displays the Skills That Once Made her a 2x Poetry Champion DURING NORTHERN IRELAND’S CULTURAL TWINNING August 2, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn PeacePlayers-Baltimore’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) participant, Danica Miller, is actively showing why she is destined for greatness on and… Continue reading Baltimore Participant Displays the Skills That Once Made her a 2x Poetry Champion During the Friendship Games