Jada on Being a “More Able” 10-Year Old PeacePlayer

DONATE DONATE JADA ON BEING A “MORE ABLE” 10-YEAR OLD PEACEPLAYER, A BUSINESS MANAGER AND JUST PLAIN OL’ FIERCE OVERALL June 13, 2023 SHARE Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Jada is just 10 years old, but she’s already got things figured out. She knows who she is, she knows what she’s capable of. “I describe myself as… Continue reading Jada on Being a “More Able” 10-Year Old PeacePlayer

Andrea Johnson: Laying the Foundation for the Next Generation

DONATE DONATE Andrea Johnson: Laying the Foundation for the Next Generation March 29, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn As a child, Andrea Johnson’s days and nights growing up in Roseland were filled with the sounds and sights of sport. Not many days went by without baseball,… Continue reading Andrea Johnson: Laying the Foundation for the Next Generation

A Safe Space Not Just for Basketball, but for Healing

DONATE DONATE A Safe Space Not Just for Basketball, but for Healing March 29, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn What PeacePlayers provides for young people often goes far beyond just playing basketball.    On March 3, 2020, a shooting took place during an adult pickup game… Continue reading A Safe Space Not Just for Basketball, but for Healing

Out of Her Comfort Zone, Sarii Gains the Confidence to Lead

DONATE DONATE Out of Her Comfort Zone, Sarii Gains the Confidence to Lead January 14, 2021 SHARE Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn As anyone who has spent some time hanging around PeacePlayers Chicago knows, Sarribel (known to her friends and coaches as Sarii) has never been one to… Continue reading Out of Her Comfort Zone, Sarii Gains the Confidence to Lead